Indeed, the beards modified their economic determinism in the1940s and gave greater play to the force of ideas and ideals than they had before. 实际上,比尔德夫妇,在1940年代就已修正了他们的经济决定论的观点,而比之他们以前更多地看好思想与理想的力量。
For a long time Marxist historical determinism has unreasonably been distorted as unscientific fatalism and mechanical economic determinism. 马克思主义的历史决定论长期以来一直被人们歪曲为非科学的宿命论或是机械的经济决定论而横遭批判。
The philosophical side of Marxism is called dialectical materialism; it emphasizes economic determinism. 哲学方面的马克思主义,是所谓的辩证唯物论,它强调经济决定论。
The empirical tests on the real estate bubble of fictitious economic determinism include real estate prices and monetary policy, interest rate policy, credit and price fluctuations. 对房地产泡沫的虚拟经济决定论的实证检验包括:房地产价格与货币政策、利率政策、信贷波动及股价各自之间的相关检验。
Taking stock of current theoretical preparation for ideological and cultural advancement one finds an urgent need for elaboration of the possibility of a Marxist theory of culture that transcends economic determinism. 考察当前我国思想文化建设的理论准备,必须深入阐发一个超越经济决定论意义上的马克思主义文化理论的可能性。
For over-exaggerating functions of culture against economic determinism, Western Marxism, therefore, characterized color of Utopia in cultural conception. 西方马克思主义为反对经济决定论而夸大了文化的作用,从而使他们的文化构想具有了乌托邦色彩。
'Weakening-ending of sovereignty' is in essence economic determinism. 主权可分&让渡论在本质上是经济决定论。
They put forward to regard the "contingency" as the core concept, with "articulate" for basic means of the "discourse" analytic theories, and to deconstruct the "economic determinism" and the "classical determinism" inside the traditional Marxism. 他们提出了以偶然性为核心概念,将接合作为基本手段的话语分析理论,把传统马克思主义中的经济决定论及阶级决定论加以解构。
Only economism and economic determinism are the unreasonable value ideas which push the economic importance to the extreme in theory and reality. 唯经济主义、经济决定论就是理论上和现实社会中把经济的重要性推向极端的非合理性价值理念。
Three perspectives, namely economic determinism, institutional basis of market economy, and microeconomic analysis, come in the economic analysis of law, and are best included in general economic analysis of law. 对法律的经济分析有三个角度:从经济决定论角度,从市场经济的制度基础角度,从微观经济分析角度。广义的经济分析法学应当将上述三个角度的分析都纳入其中。
This paper worked over the economic development of the central China under the framework of "institution determinism". It considered that institutional factors were the fundamental reasons for the slow speed of economic development of the central China. 本文在制度决定论的框架下,研究中部地区的经济发展问题,认为制度因素是中部地区经济发展缓慢的根本原因。
The present writer think the opinion of economic determinism is not comprehensive. 笔者认为,经济决定论的观点是不全面的。
The social organist thought by Marx and Engels 'thought of joint forces of social development shows that Marx's social development theory is not a single economic determinism but a dialectic interaction with plenty of elements. 马克思的社会有机体思想和恩格斯的社会发展合力论思想表明,马克思的社会发展理论并不是单一的经济决定论,而是众多因素的辩证互动论;
On the other hand, with ideology of scientific rationalism and economic determinism, people deviate from the basic moral spirit and humanistic value. The absence of responsibility brings hidden worry to both present and future existence and harmonious development of human. 另一方面,在科技理性和唯经济主义的意识形态下,人们背离了人之为人应有的道德精神和人文价值,责任缺失给人类当下和未来的生存与和谐发展带来极大隐忧。
Changes of angles in his study of history result in his conception of history that historical determinism is dialectical, and it transcends the opposition of economic determinism and idealist determinism. 随着历史研究视角的不断转换,马克思历史决定论具有了能动辩证的理论内涵,从而超越了经济的历史决定论和唯心主义历史决定论的两极对立,实现了历史认识史上的伟大变革。
That idea that Marx's theory of this is a single economic determinism results from the idea that fails to see the "practice turnaround" that the Marxist philosophy realizes: veering from the Western theory of traditional philosophy to a new philosophy of practice. 把马克思的社会发展理论误解为单一经济决定论的深层原因在于没有看到马克思主义哲学所实现的实践转向:由西方传统哲学的理论哲学理路转变为新的实践哲学理路。
For a long time, historical materialism has been interpreted in the mode of modern metaphysics, and this has resulted in its being understood as "economic determinism" or "biologism". 长期以来,人们在近代形而上学的范式中理解历史唯物主义,造成了对这一学说的经济决定论的或生物主义的读法。
His innovation lies that he understands the culture as a social and material production process, which he criticizes the vulgar materialism and economic determinism. 他的创新之处就在于,把文化理解为一种社会和物质生产的过程,由此他批评了庸俗的唯物主义和经济决定论。
Because the textbooks described productive relations and productive force as entity nothing to do with man, western philosopher thought it economic determinism. 由于前苏联教科书没有区分这种视角的变化,把生产力简单描述成与人无关的实体因素,所以被西方一些哲学家扣上经济决定论的帽子。
However, Kautsky forget the latter, toward an "Economic Determinism". 然而,考茨基却忘记了后者,走向了经济决定论。